
Lists are continuous, vertical indexes of text or images.

Basic link

List component is a wrapper component that contains ListItem and ListDivider components.

The basic structure of a list is as follows:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
        Item 1

        Item 2

        Item 3

Variant link

The List component has variant attribute that supports two variants: single-line and two-line. The default variant is single-line as you can see on the example above.

In order to use two-line variant, you need to set the variant attribute to two-line on the List component. The List component should have ListItems as its children. The ListItem component should have primary and secondary attributes. The preview of two-line variant is shown below.

  • Item 1 secondary line
  • Item 2
  • Item 3 secondary line
<x-mbc::list variant="two-line">
        primary="Item 1"
        secondary="secondary line"

    <x-mbc::list-item primary="Item 2" />

        primary="Item 3"
        secondary="secondary line"

Divider link

A divider is a thin line that groups content in lists and layouts.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
        Item 1

    <x-mbc::list-divider />

        Item 2

Dense link

Dense list reduces the height of each list item.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
<x-mbc::list dense>
        Item 1

        Item 2

        Item 3

    <x-mbc::list-divider />

        Item 4

Leading and Trailing link

A list items can have leading and trailing icons.

  • Leading Icon
  • Trailing Icon
  • Leading and Trailing Icon

The startIcon and endIcon props also accept a url or an image as a value.

  • icon Leading Image
  • Trailing Image icon
  • icon Leading and Trailing Image icon

You can also add the avatar prop to the List component to make the leading image/icon circular.

  • Avatar Icon
  • icon Avatar Image

Properties link

mbc::list link

Name Type Default Description
avatar boolean false If true, the leading image or icon will be circular.
dense boolean false Make the component appears densed.
disableRipple boolean false If true, the ripple effect will be disabled.
element string ul The HTML element to use.
variant single-line | two-line single-line The variant to use.

mbc::list-item link

Name Type Default Description
activated boolean false If true, the list item will be activated.
disableRipple boolean false If true, the ripple effect will be disabled.
disabled boolean false If true, the list item will be disabled.
element string li The HTML element to use.
endIcon url string or icon string format The trailing icon or image. Icon string format can be found in the Icon component page.
primary string The primary text for two-line variant.
secondary string The secondary text for two-line variant.
selected boolean false If true, the list item will be selected.
startIcon url string or icon string format The leading icon or image. Icon string format can be found in the Icon component page.

mbc::list-divider link

Name Type Default Description
padded bool false If true, the divider will have a padding.

References link

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